08 July 2011

16 JUNE 2011: day 167 (week 24)

after our adventure in toronto..we brought our guest to the USA!
here we are at the border..


when we arrived at my cousin's place, we were welcomed very warmly by bong (my cousin's husband). he prepared a very good soup for us! my cousin was till at work that time. when my cousin arrived, it was another round of story - telling. then we tried out the rock star band game and it was so much fun.


bentonflocke said...

I agree with you!

Bong welcomed us very warmly and the soup was so yummy!!!

Had much fun to see you all performing the rock star band

bentonflocke said...

by the way - crossing the boarder to the USA was a great adventure for me!

gabs-art said...

everything okay with you? I am really wondering because there are no new entries on your blog. that's not you. thinking of you and praying. hugs, gabs