25 May 2011

16 MAY 2011: day 136 (week 20)

isn't that lovely!!! it is not our lawn...sad to say. it is our neighbor's. that is actually my goal (more of a dream now...) but with the rate i am digging up the weeds, winter will come sooner that me finishing up the weeds...hehehe
let us just appreciate out neighbor's lawn at this time.

this is OUR lawn... and the weeds have matured. i have stopped digging them at the moment because my hands are aching too much. i need to rest them.


bentonflocke said...

how different!

What have the neigbours done, that they haven´t any weeds?

Maybe they have an great idea for you!?

Donna G. said...

Having your own lawn is good and bad, as I guess you've figured out. I was just outside admiring our thriving weeds in our backyard. =(