12 September 2011

25 JUNE 2011: day 176 (week 25)

we visited ALGONQUIN PARK!
Algonquin Provincial Park is the oldest provincial park in Canada. It is about 300 km north of Toronto, Ontario and about 300 km west of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s capital.
This was the cottage we stayed in.

And this was the main house where everyone could cook food and eat, or just hang out at the mezzanine.

this was the weather forecast for the weekend... it was a gloomy and rainy first day for us.

nonetheless, we went on with our tour of the big park. first stop was the information center where we got the list of where we could go. love this sign i saw..

then we headed to the visitor's center.
algonquin park visitor centre has world class exhibits on the park's natural and human history, a relaxing restaurant and an excellent bookstore. a theatre presentation sums up the Park story and then takes you out to the viewing deck from where you can admire a breathtaking panorama of wild algonquin landscape.

the algonquin logging museum brings to life the story of logging from the early square timber days to the last of the great river drives. we started our visit with a video presentation that summed up the logging history of the algonquin area. then we walked the 1.5 kilometer tour around the park.

we drove to a nearby open park near a lake where we had lunch!

we ended our day with a little hiking.
hardwood lookout trail was a 0.8 km trail introducing us to the ecology of a typical algonquin hardwood forest and culminates in a fine view of Smoke Lake and the surrounding hills.it was a spectacular view at the top. really worth the climb.

yes it was gloomy the whole day and drizzling every now and then but we had a productive day still.

1 comment:

bentonflocke said...

beautiful pictures of a wonderful day! thanks again for sending me a postcard