27 May 2010

23 May 2010: DAY 143 (WEEK 21).. part 1

i have to make may 23 post in 2 parts because i have tons of things to share. do bare with me....

sunday started with the sport fest activity. nitz team played basketball first. here are some action photos of nitz..hehehe.

and then our team played volleyball. good think nitz remembered to take some photos of me!! so here they are....

and this is my team... we won!!!

saying our prayer again after the game.

right after the game we rushed to champs elysees for the celebration of moira's baptism. it was held in a chinese restaurant.. it was a wonderful celebration.


Erika said...

Congrats to the win! =)

bentonflocke said...

congratulations for winning Girlie! Love Nitz action shots!