20 October 2009

WEEK 42: october 17 - 18...

here is the rest of week 42. we are halfway october already, december is just around the corner!!!

october 18 -- our last picture with dr. topacio and jessica. they would be leaving thetomorrow to go back to the philippines. the kids enjoyed jessica's company so much... especially isabelle. she had so much fun talking and playing with her.

while my guests were in their tour.. it was time for me to take out the cointainers of winter clothes. this is the part i really don't like about season change...

october 17 -- i needed to pick up our visitors from the hotel. they were here in paris for a (medical-related) meeting. they decided to stay a couple more days in paris to see more sights. this doctor is a friend of my ob-gyn when i was still in the phils. anyway, i woke up early because i needed to be in the hotel before 7:30 am. i decided to pick them up myself because i know nitz needed sleep (it has been a tiring week for him and he can only sleep a little bit longer during weekends). it was still dark when i left the house. this is the picture of where i was waiting for the bus in front of our apartment. i was the only one there... (i was a little bit scared to be out that early...alone!!)

i needed to take 2 buses to get to the hotel. so from the house to the eiffel tower then from the eiffel tower, the bus goes straight to the hotel. when i got off at the eifferl tower, i was surprised to see that it was not lit!! it was still dark and i just thought the tower would still be lit. well, i guess they turn it off sometime early in the morning. i have to say it was a lonely sight...

here are my guests! dr. topacio and her niece, jessica. we took them to the miraculous medal church, le bonne marche, lafayette and then to arc de triomphe. we sure had a long but productive day...


Unknown said...

Never seen the Eiffel Tower not lit!

Well done on keeping up to date with your layouts.

Erika said...

So fun to get guests visiting! I hope I will see Paris and the Eiffel Tower one day, it seems very nice. Especially from your pictures and tales! =)

bentonflocke said...

wonderful to have visitors and to show them your town. Beautiful pictures!!