03 August 2010

02 August 2010: DAY 214 (WEEK 32)

as soon as we got to cedar park, the kids changed to their swimming clothes! they were really excited!

but they didn't get to swim right away because the adults needed to prepare the food! the moms put all the food on the table and sliced all the fruits.

while the men (seriously...) grilled....

oh.. and sofia was also busy (pretending..!!!!) calling her papa and telling him that she was in her bathing suit already waiting to swim...hahaha.

this is one part in the water park... there were lots of kids here just enjoying the water sprinkling everywhere. and this bucket on top spills all its water once its full and people would really wait for it.

this is one of the kids' pool where sofia and isabelle played most of the time. i am glad that it is not deep at all...you could tell the water level in these pictures.

1 comment:

bentonflocke said...

what a wonderful day in the water park. seems the children had much fun! Maybe I´ll the water park sometimes..