26 January 2011

22 JANUARY 2011: day 22 (week 3)

tita tess (a family friend of ours) was having a little get together to remember her brother who passed away 40 days ago. after offering mass that morning, there was a little gathering at her house. so i cooked eggs and fried rice because it was a breakfast affair.

it is part of our tradition to remember a family member who passed away after 9 days, 40 days and 1 year (from the day he/she passed away). we offer a mass and/or prayers.


Donna G. said...

I have never heard of this custom. That's one reason I enjoy your blog, Girlie. I love learning about different traditions and customs. This one is particularly nice, in that the person who has passed on gets extra special remembrance.

bentonflocke said...

what a wonderful tradition to remember!

Erika said...

So nice to get together with family and friends to remember.