15 April 2010

14 April 2010: DAY 104 (WEEK 16)

today is a big day for sofia!! this is the first day she started drinking milk from the glass!!! no more feeding bottles for her!! yipeee!!

yesterday, when she tasted the milk from her bottle, she said it was a bit sour. i guess it was because we were out for a long time and the milk was exposed to heat. when we got home, she didn't want to drink milk from her bottle.. she would say 'dodo asim (milk is sour!)'! so i offered her milk in a glass and she drank it.

the whole day today, she drank from the glass....!


bentonflocke said...

congratulation Sofia - you are now a big girl!!

How about Gigi - is she still in Paris? In Germany the airports are still closed - so what about Paris?

Donna G. said...

Well, that's a creative way to get rid of the bottle. I never thought to give my kids spoiled milk in it. =)

Erika said...

What a big girl! And a great way to introduce the glass. =)