27 March 2009

WEEK 13 ..continued

so hello again!! its finally friday and i am just so excited with our trip this weekend. we will be going to st. maur to visit the carmelite sisters!! its quite far from here...about 6 hours drive. and while we are there we will be checking out the snow!!! we wanted to show my mom-in-law some real snow!!
so anyway, i got the clothes packed and the snacks i will just pack later. let me first write something here before i get off for a long weekend. i know a lot of my friends have mentioned having been here at my little corner...so i want to THANK YOU ALL!! i thought of mentioning all your names but i might forget someone so i decided not to. but...but...but... may i just ask for you guys to please just leave a comment here when you drop by so i would know you. after every blog entry (topic) you will see a portion that says 'comment', just click on it and leave me some love.
just continue reading... and till next time!! you will hear more about our trip to st. maur!!

march 27, 2009
so this is my picture for today!!sofia with her ever so bright and sweet smile. but hey..she so have serious moments.

march 26, 2009
can you believe i started reading this book sometime mid 2007. ok..don't be shocked!!! its not the i am a very slow reader (gosh...!!), it's just that when i set it aside late 2007 i never got the chance to read it again...or read any other book for that matter. i was busy!!!!!! so fine...sorry. but now i am back reading and i finished this one!! and i will show you i will be reading more...but please don't rush me.
p.s...jake, take note!! im reading the twilight already!!

1 comment:

bentonflocke said...

great trip you have planned! wish you a wonderful weekend and I love to see some pictures of your trip!

Sofia is so cute! Love her smile!