12 December 2009

Advent Calendar -- DAY 13

so let me share this with you today:

during the holiday seasons (in the philippines), we have what we call 'christmas caroling'. we form a group and we would sing to every single house in a town that we choose. we would then get donations (any amount was fine). we use the money for a project or whatsover... this was one of songs we often sing. but what is more memorable about this song is hearing my mom sing the second voice whenever she joined us in caroling. yup, sometimes my mom joins us (because i think i was only 11 or 12 years...and you know back then my parents were very very protective of us)! i loved it when she sang along.
i miss my mom so much... and this will be a very different christmas for my family back home because my dad is now gone.

thank you for dropping by my blog and i wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!!

don't forget to drop by mone's blog for the next surprise in the advent calendar!!


Unknown said...

wonderful X-massong...

gabs said...

Girlie, this is just so wonderful. not only the song but the story behind. thank you so much for sharing and I am thinking of you these days (((hugs)))

bentonflocke said...

thanks for sharing your story - my thoughts are with you and my prayers. beautiful christmas song