25 October 2010

25 October 2010: DAY 298 (WEEK 44)

its election day here! i honestly don't know anything about it and i am not interested in any of it. well, i am not entitled to vote yet so i guess that explains it. ( but no... i am not really into politics and i hate discussing about it). anyway, the day passed by quietly considering it is election day. (or maybe it is just quiet in my side of the neighborhood...hehehe). back home (i mean in the philippines...) when it is election day, there is a big commotion!!!--voting is difficult, counting is...is... i cannot even describe it! and when they come up with a winner, you will somehow feel uncertain/doubtful/suspicious about it.

i was surprised that the day went peacefully and the elected mayor of toronto is FORD!

well i just hope he is a nice and decent and honest guy... we will see what he will come up with for toronto.

1 comment:

bentonflocke said...

why are you not entitled to vote yet? When are you entitled?